About me

Welcome to my home on the web! I am a Computer Graphics & Vision researcher working with the Video Engineering team at Apple Research. I joined Apple after a brief stint as a postdoc in 3D Vision at Cengiz Öztireli’s CORE Lab at the University of Cambridge. Prior to October 2022, I did my PhD on inverse problems in high dynamic range imaging under the supervision of Rafał Mantiuk also at Cambridge.

My research interests span a diverse spectrum, centering on reconstruction problems within Computational Photography, as well as low-level 2D and 3D Computer Vision. Simultaneously, I have also been actively involved in the development of probabilistic generative models and their applications to problems in Graphics and Vision. Yet another direction I have pursued is the automatic assessment of images and videos with quantitative metrics.

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When I’m not working, I’m probably at Girton playing tennis or squash. Get in touch if you’d like to play a game or simply converse over a mug of hot chocolate.